Our Authors

Dr. Agyajit Singh, PhD, is a retired Head of the Department of Psychology at Punjabi University and hasover 30 years of experience in teaching, sports psychology, and research. With a PhD in sports psychology and extensive experience working with elite athletes and teams, including the Indian athletic and women’s hockey teams, he has made significant contributions to the field. Dr. Singh has published over 200 articles and 81 books and has guided 42 Ph.D. and 30 MPhil scholars. He has attended and presented at numerous international conferences and has collaborated with renowned sports psychologists in Belgium, France, and the USA. Honored with multiple awards, including Lifetime Achievement Awards in Sports Psychology and Psychology, Dr. Singh’s expertise and accomplishments make him a credible authority for this book.

Dr. Ramneet Kaur, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Biology at Columbus State University, GA, is a biotechnology expert with postdoctoral research training from Harvard Medical School and Emory University, specializing in cancer biology. Currently, she also holds other academic faculty positions at the University of New England and Mercer University. Dr. Kaur’s research focuses on triple-negative breast cancer, and she has published numerous high-impact research papers in the field. Alongside her cancer research, Dr. Kaur has contributed to several psychology books, showcasing her interdisciplinary interests in connecting biology and psychology. Her diverse expertise makes her a valuable co-author for this book.

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